First of all, let’s clearly distinguish the difference between soft and hard water. Hard water contains large amounts of dissolved calcium, magnesium, iron, and other particles.
It happens because water picks up these minerals from soil and rock as it flows through different waterways.
Water with more than 61 milligrams of calcium carbonate per liter is considered to be hard water.
Depending on what country or which city you live in, you can have hard water coming in from your main city source.
To determine for sure if you have hard water, you can take a water sample from your tap. Then, have it analyzed at your county health department or state-certified laboratory.
What is a water softener system?
A water softener system is an exchange system, which means that it removes all of the metal particles and contaminants from your water. It acts like a magnetic sponge to pull those minerals away, leaving you with soft water.
How does it work?
Water softener systems will have two tanks. It takes the water coming in from your main water supply line and runs it through a tank that contains resin. As such, there are tons of little ionic beads inside it.
The water flows through that resin, and it takes away all of the hard minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and other contaminants. It removes them and returns nice clean water for your home.
Basically, when the hard water goes into the tank with all of these hard minerals, there is an exchange. The calcium and magnesium get exchanged with sodium ions, giving you soft water.
The second tank contains salt, and some water at the bottom in order to create a salt brine.
Every couple of days, the salt brine flushes into the resin tank to wash away all of those hardness ions, which then get sent into the wastewater drain.
How do I maintain my water softener system?
Maintenance is super easy. All you have to do every month or so is top up the salt.
A typical household, with two adults, should go through a bag or two of salt per month.
These machines run for as long as 15-20 years, depending on their use.
What are the advantages of owning a water softener system?
Owning a water softener system is very economical, and there are so many advantages to having one;
- You’re lowering your energy costs by reducing the scale buildup in your water heaters;
- You can reduce the amount of soap you need in order to create a lather;
- You extend the lifetime of your plumbing, and;
- You’ll get a silkier feel to the water. You will especially feel the difference on your skin, or when you wash your clothes or your hair as it will feel softer.
There are many advantages to owning a water softener system, and it’s very economical for your household. Know more about your residential water and how we can help keep you and your family safe and health. Contact All Elite Water today for more information.